Intuitive Readings
My name is Shari Rhodes. I have been doing Intuitive Readings internationally for 40 years. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and years of training in Healing, Psychic Development and Emotional Release Work. I have sensed people since I was a child. I have created a system of clarifying unresolved childhood issues, emotional wounds and patterns, and how they play out in our adult life, relationships and experiences.
During my readings, I scan the person’s physiology, DNA and cells. I read their Energy Field which is the electrical signal or emanation that extends from the body. I examine the person’s Soul or Higher Self, Soul Contract and the Akashic Records representing their Karmic Layout on their Evolutional Life Design. I access key learning material for Soul growth and learning. We are all in lesson.
My readings clarify the Psychological Signature of illness. The body has a voice and is a powerful teacher when we listen. I also clarify personal gifts, life direction and purpose, empowering people to go for their dreams, access their intuition and make choices from the heart. I stand for their deeper visions and encourage self-trust, self-confidence, personal empowerment and greater risk- taking in the world.

Relationships mirror our unreconciled wounds from the past. In my sessions, I support couples to resolve emotional issues, past hurts and blocks to rediscover one other with greater transparency from an open heart. I facilitate intimacy building exercises, guided visualization, meditation and mediate communication conflict, so couples can be more authentic, honest and compassionate with each other.
I consider myself an Issues Reader and look at key emotional blocks that keep people from moving forward in their lives. I look at the person’s Evolutional Lineage, histology, Past lives and Karmic Wounds that need to be healed and resolved on their Soul Contract. Every thought, feeling and experience is stored on a cellular, DNA, sub molecular, structural and organ level in the body. Thinking about our emotional issues and challenges is not enough to create permanent change. As long as the body carries the genetic imprint of an Ancestral Karmic Wound, the same story repeatedly plays out with new circumstances and characters. Until the trauma is plucked out at the root, the saga continues.
I do not predict the future. We are responsible for our choices and actions. I serve as a catalyst of change, empowerment and self- love. I help people to recognize the beauty and authority within themselves.
“Thank you for today. My time with you was very healing, and a life changing experience. I cried happy tears all the way home. A monarch butterfly you brought up in the reading flew across my windscreen, had me in more happy tears. You have given me an amazing gift and I will always treasure this experience. You are a very caring and special person. It has been a privilege to meet you.”
Love and blessings, Sarah Thompson, Primary school teacher
To find out more about my services, please go to my services page
Click to listen to my radio interview by Sarah Court on Raglan Community Radio
Contact Shari
Phone 027-629-5469
Email sharirhodes@gmail.com
Sessions can be done face to face, over the phone or online