Services Available
Childhood Repetitive Patterns - Learn to break free of destructive patterns from childhood. Make new choices from a place of Self-Empowerment and Self-Awareness, rather than from old familiar beliefs and paradigms that no longer serve.
Soul Contracts, Akashic Records and Karmic Life Design - Gain a deeper understanding of your Life Choreography and your reason for being here at this time. Gain insight into your Evolutional History, Family Genealogy and Destiny Blueprint designed for your higher learning, relationships and Karmic Resolution. Crack the code of the puzzle behind your Soul Mission.
Relationships Issues - Resolve emotional blocks, conflict, misunderstanding, anger and resentment in interpersonal relationships with family, co-workers, friends and life partners. Foster open communication, stronger listening skills, and resolution of intimacy, psychological or professional issues. Learn to say no to the things you don’t want. Develop stronger boundaries honouring your own needs and wishes. Its safe to express your truth and ask for what you need.

Animal Communicator and Interpreter - Gain clarity about the struggles of your animals. Our pets, like us, have their own needs, feelings, issues, anxieties and traumas. By understanding their inner world, we are able to help them resolve past hurts and fears to have a happier and healthier life.
Body Symptoms and Disease - Gain a deeper understanding of the conscious and unconscious emotional and psychological aspects of illness. Achieve greater clarity, self-awareness and understanding of the Mind, body and Spirit connection.
Bereavement - Learn to move through the grief process and the loss of precious loved ones, working through emotional issues with greater acceptance, resolution and understanding. Even catastrophic grief can be a guidepost for higher learning and self- knowledge. You are never alone and life doesn’t have to end here. Our loved ones are always with us from the other side.
Accomplishing Goals - Discover your creative potential by moving through your resistances and comfort edges, developing the courage, faith and clear action steps to follow your heartfelt dreams. Achieve greater self-confidence and empowerment by releasing self-judgement, emotional blocks and fear, thus taming the inner critic. It is your birth right to actualize your potential and share your gifts with the world.
Clarification of Soul Mission - Align with your Destiny Blueprint and discover your own unique purpose that only you can full fill. Learn to recognize the Power of Synchronicity, Alchemy and magic and follow the opportunities that support your path. Recognize it is safe to take risk, follow the heart and go for your dreams. Achieve clarity of major life decisions and transitions, so you can move forward with ease and self- confidence.
Inner Connectedness - Discover an inner place of stillness and peace connecting with your Soul or Higher self. Expand your consciousness, taking time for inner contemplation, meditation and beingness. Breathe in the spaciousness and simply be. It’s important to create balance between being out in the world and tuning into self. Deepen your intuition, self - knowledge and inner knowing with greater safety, trust in yourself and the universe.
Self Confidence and Self-Empowerment - You are beautiful and worthy of a wonderful life. Everyone has free will, responsible for their own choices. You deserve happiness.
"For the last 10 years, Shari Rhodes has been a pillar of support for me. Part-intuitive, part counsellor, and now a good friend. Shari has helped me see situations more clearly and identify what's happening for me right now. She brings awareness to my thoughts and feelings, and has helped me make important decisions based on trusting my own gut instinct and inner knowing. I am grateful to have Shari in my life. She rocks!!!
- Carl, Auckland, New Zealand -
Sessions can be done face to face, over the phone or online